If you are planning to take a flight from Birmingham airport in the near future, you may have heard about the reported security delays causing stress and frustration for travellers.

In this report, Adam Beeken, shares his personal experience flying from Birmingham to Lanzarote and provides recommendations to help ease your journey through the airport:

First off, let me clarify that our flight was scheduled to depart at 6:00pm, so our experience at the airport was mainly throughout the late afternoon, which may account for the fact that our time there was not as unpleasant as some have reported. We understood that the busiest time for departures was early in the morning, but with so many negative press reports we were concerned that we would still be impacted.

To our relief (you see in the photo!), the long queues rumoured to be stretching up the side of the airport were nowhere to be seen, making the start of the holiday feel considerably less stressful. It took a maximum of 30 minutes from the time we entered the airport to the time we got through check-in and security. I would stress that I put much of this down to the fact that we were prepared prior to coming away by buying express lane tickets to get through security much faster which cost a grand total of £5 per person. With these passes we were through security and up onto the lifts in just five minutes, saving us around 45 minutes based on other passenger comments.

As a result, if you are considering a flight from Birmingham anytime soon, I would strongly suggest purchasing express lane tickets for security, as it made our process much smoother. Keep in mind that tickets are selling out quickly!

If you’ve booked a holiday with Gilly Bachelor Travel Expert, part of our service includes a pre-travel call, for those clients flying from Birmingham we have been advising them to arrive no less than 3 hours before their flights and to pre-purchase express security passes. If you are a member of our loyalty scheme you automatically qualify for airport security fast passes, however, until the end of July 2024 we are providing all clients flying from Birmingham free security express passes for new bookings from 17th June 2024, departing before the 17th September. Please note that terms and conditions apply, and this offer is subject to availability.

Gilly Bachelor, commented:

Adam’s first-hand insights have been extremely useful as we’re keen to implement any steps possible to ensure our clients have a stress-free holiday as possible.

Get in touch to start planning your next holiday, please call 01902 288 104.