Before booking your next holiday visit the Foreign Office website for advice about travelling abroad, including the latest information on coronavirus, safety and security, entry requirements and travel warnings. Register your email address to receive travel updates for your holiday destination.

Since Brexit there has been a lot of confusion around passport validity with holidaymakers still being (rightly and) wrongly turned away from their flights by the airline, and whilst they can claim compensation in certain circumstances (which is in fact quite limited!), the impact on a family holiday can be devastating and expensive, particularly if you have not booked a package.

Whilst it’s great to be right, in my opinion it’s a hollow victory if your holiday is ruined. The last two years has taught me that where complexity reigns with rules and travel restrictions then being over-cautious is the way forward.

So, my blanket advice is to make sure your passport is no more than 10 years old (from the date of issue) and has a minimum of 6 months validity from the date of your return from holiday (based on the issue date, not expiry date!). I completely accept that this advice is not necessary for most destinations, but at least you will not have to worry about being turned away from your flight!

At the time of writing the Passport Office is advising to allow a minimum of ten weeks to receive your new passport. So it’s essential that you plan ahead. You can find out more here.

Advice, recommendations and tips are made in good faith at the time of writing, however, things are constantly changing therefore it’s essential that you remain up-to-date with any requirements that may impact your holiday.